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Sunday, June 17, 2012

"From the mail bag" Art and other things...

Here is the next group of post send here to Berlin or Lancaster Pennsylvania. Some of these pieces have been send quite some time ago but they where selected randomly from the pile that hasn't been documented yet.

"Untitled", Thompson, 2.5.2012, Clearwater Florida

A. Letter, buZ blurr, 3.2012, Gurdon Arkansas

B. Photocopy, buZ blurr, 3.2012, Gurdon Arkansas

postcard of painting by Werner Tübke Lebenserinnerungen des Dr.jur. Schulze II, sent by Christian Pietzke, 30.4.2012, Berlin Germany

"Untitled", David Stanley Aponte, alteration by Moan Lisa, 24.4.2012, Iowa

Correspondences, Serse Luigetti, 27.4.2012, Perugia Italy

A. letter, sent by Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

B. Paper, sent by Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

C. receipts, sent by Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

D. Untitled, Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

E. Untitled, Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

F. Paper, sent by Tenley Claire, 12.11.2011, Auburn California

A. letter, sent by Ex Posto Facto, 29.10.2011, Garland Texas

B. "Fluxus Bucks" (list) page 1, Ex Posto Facto, 29.10.2011, Garland Texas

C. "Fluxus Bucks" (list) page 2, Ex Posto Facto, 29.10.2011, Garland Texas

A. "Posthenge", D.C. Spaulding, 30.4.2012, Lomita California

B. "Posthenge", D.C. Spaulding, 30.4.2012, Lomita California

A. Aus dem Zyklus "Nordstadt BLUES", sent by Wolfgang Skodd, 2012, Dortmund Germany

B. postcard, sent by Wolfgang Skodd, 2012, Dortmund Germany

A. Untitled, Michael McJilton, 2.5.2012, Berlin Germany

B. Untitled, Michael McJilton, 2.5.2012, Berlin Germany

Untitled, Edmund Kratzer, 2012, Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Gotij mail Art (sub-5075), Karin Greenwood, 30.4.2012, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa

Untitled, Angela Behrendt, 3.5.2012, Hannover Germany

letter, Nico van Hoorn, 2012, Nijmegen Netherlands

Untitled, Nico van Hoorn, 2012, Nijmegen Netherlands

"Dear Artist, all right now!", Erich Sündermann, 4.5.2012, Wien Austria

A. letter, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

B. letter, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

C. Untitled, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

D. Untitled, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

E. Fluxus, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

G. Untitled Book, Lothar Trott, 30.4.2012, Zürich Switzerland

A. Collective action by Ruggero Maggi for Tibet Pavilion, 3.5.2012, Milano Italy

B. Collective action by Ruggero Maggi for Tibet Pavilion, 3.5.2012, Milano Italy

C. Collective action by Ruggero Maggi for Tibet Pavilion, 3.5.2012, Milano Italy

Untitled, Antonio Cano Krüger, 12.2011, Lima Peru

A. Angel is watching you, Roland Halbritter, 31.1.2012, Nuedlingen Germany

B. Angel is watching you, Roland Halbritter, 31.1.2012, Nuedlingen Germany

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